Creme Brulee

INGREDIENTS: 1 1/2 cups 35% heavy cream 3 large egg yolks 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract a pinch of salt INSTRUCTIONS: Pour heavy cream into a small sauce pan, bring it to simmer under medium heat, remove from heat and let it cool to 165F; Boil some water; Preheat oven to 300F; Separate egg yolks in a medium bowl, add granulated sugar and salt, hand mix it well with a egg mixer; egg whites are just the right amount for some coconut macaroons ; Slowly add in the heavy cream, mix constantly and slowly; Add vanilla extract at last and mix it well; Put 6 ramekins in a baking dish, add the egg & cream mixture to the ramekins through a fine filter; Transfer the baking dish to oven, add boiling water into baking dish to 2/3 of the height of the ramekins; Loosely over the baking dish with foil; Bake for 50 minutes, the center should be a little jiggly when done; Remove from oven, let it cool at room temperature; Cover each ramekin with a small p...