
Showing posts from April, 2016

How to clean a stainless steel coffee mug?

My favorite stainless coffee mug is getting so flavorful that I think I should give it a deep clean. Add 2 Tbsp baking soda into mug; Pour 1/4 cup white vinegar into mug, enjoy watching the bubbles;  Put the lid on, gently turn the mug so that the inside is rinsed with the solution; With a dish sponge, clean the inside becomes so easy, and the coffee stains come off effortlessly; Raise mug with hot water. It took me 5 minutes to get it as shinny as new. A quick and green way to clean!


小时候过年,家家户户都要煎带鱼,是看春晚、守岁的必备零嘴。煎带鱼,是怀旧的经典。 带鱼洗净切段; 加料酒、花椒、葱白、盐、醋拌匀,腌制15分钟; 盛一盘面粉,50克左右,将带鱼两面裹上面粉; 起油锅,中火慢炸;中间翻一次,到两面金黄起锅; 盛盘,撒点花椒面。