Fruit Ice Pops

This is a good fomular for all sorts of fruit ice pops. It uses a lot of REAL fresh fruit and no food coloring. Kids find them delicious. Mom finds them nutrious and economical.


3 cup cold water
1 can of frozen concentrated lemonade
1 cup sliced strawberries
1/8 cup sugar (optional)


  1. Defrost the frozen juice, add to the cold water;
  2. Add sugar to the juice, optional; (Kids think this step is mandatory)
  3. In a blender, puree strawberry slices, add a little bit juice mix to facilitate the fixing;
  4. Pour the puree into the juice, stir to mix;
  5. Pour the mixture to Popsicle molds, freeze overnight.
I am going to try blueberries, raspberries, and watermelon for kids later. Grandma asks for green beans and red beans version. Too many orders! ;)


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