
Showing posts from 2019


寒冷的冬夜,来一碗暖烘烘的罗宋汤! 有肉有菜,就着面包或者白米饭,香喷喷的😋 食材: 肥瘦相间的牛肉 (地主老财可选用牛尾) 洋葱 胡萝卜 西芹 西红柿 土豆 包菜叶子(我家娃不吃这个,直接跳过) 蔬菜总量是牛肉的2~3倍,自己灵活掌握 将所有食材洗净、切丁。 五颜六色的,看着就好喜欢! 调料: 盐 黑胡椒 香叶 迷迭香 西红柿酱 (tomato paste) 清牛肉汤(beef broth) 1.铸铁锅大火烧烫改中火,加菜油,倒入牛肉,煎至断生,加料酒、食盐、黑胡椒、香叶、迷迭香调味; 2.另起大炒锅,加菜油烧热,倒入洋葱炒至透明偏黄,依次加入胡萝卜、西芹、西红柿、土豆,翻炒至西红柿软烂; 3.将蔬菜全部倒入铸铁锅内,加入西红柿酱,跟牛肉拌匀,倒入适量清牛肉汤,加盖小火慢炖50分钟; 4.加入适量盐和黑胡椒调味,起锅盛碗,开动! 为了健康,舍弃正宗: 1.黄油改成菜油; 2.看汤汁已经很浓稠,就放弃了最后的油酥面。

Steamed Squash

It's Fall! It's harvest time! Squash is the season's best offer.  The easiest way is to steam it with Instant Pot. 1. Using a brush, wash it super clean. 2. Add water to the inner pot, not to submerge the squash. 3. Put in the cleaned squash. 4. Steam for 20 minutes. 6. Carefully taking out the squash to a plate. It's very soft and easy to cut into. Cut out the top. Put aside the seeds. Using a spoon, gently scoop out the squash flesh. Be very gentle, you don't want to make a jack-o'-lantern. 7. Add 2 cups of hot liquid to the flesh and blend it into soup. I used hot milk, can be replaced with any thing you prefer. 8. Pour the squash back to where it comes. 9. Put the top back on and serve. 10. Enjoy the soup, as well as the moment you lift up the top! Hahaha... Then break the wall piece by piece. 11. Wash the seeds under running wa...


昙花一现 After six years, the night of the queen blooms again ... ...  Surprise!!! Out of 10 buds, 7 failed :( The next morning ... ...  Day 2 Is that right?  The most beautiful won't last long,  flashing by like the queen of the night. I left these precious hanging until they are completely dried. Life continues in a different form.

2019 Summer - Boston

2019年8月的夏天,全家第一次去波士顿 拜访名校,了却夙愿 CityPass上的景点一一打卡 用脚丈量城市绿道和郊区公园 波士顿是一个非常美丽的老城市 第一天:从渥太华到波士顿 第二天:水族馆 第二天:中国城 第二天:海港游轮 第三天:拜访名校-哈佛大学-麻省理工学院 第四天:科技馆-市中心花园-城市全景 第五天:郊区公园 第六天:回家