Hanna Hair Treatment


100g Hanna powder
10g coffee powder
300ml boiling water
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp honey
1 egg
1 lemon

This amount is good for 2 person with medium length hair.


  1. In a large glass bowl, add water to powder, mix well;
  2. Add oil, honey, egg, and lemon juice, mix very well;
  3. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, and let it set for a couple of hours;
  4. Wear gloves and apply the Hanna mixture to hair generously;
  5. Wrap your hair with plastic wrap, cover all strands, wait for 4 hours;
  6. Wash hair with warm water until the water runs clear;
  7. Get an old towel to dry your hair, and an old pillow case to sleep on for the first couple of nights, as there maybe color bleed.


  • Hanna can be purchased inexpensively at most Indian grocery stores.
  • Hanna is a natural coloring agent, perfect for people with allergic reaction to modern hair coloring.
  • This treatment not only covers most of your grey hair, turning it into a vivid reddish brown color, but also gives your hair a nutritious boost, making it soft and shiny.
  • This treatment will leave an earthy smell in your hair, usually wear off within a couple of days.


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