oven roasted turkey drumsticks

Turkey drumsticks on sale, first time buying it.
Never cooked it before. 
I remember the ones sold at Universal Studios, big, smoky, so tasty ...

First, we need smoked salt!
Found this one on amazon.ca.

  1. Roll up the skin on each drumstick. 
  2. Dissolve 50g brown sugar and 50g smoked salt in hot water. (NOTE: This is for 9 turkey drumsticks. Adjust the amount of salt based on the size and number of drumsticks. It is better to add less than more.)
  3. Add cold water to bring it to room temperature or lower. 
  4. Add some Bay leaves and whole black peppercorns. 
  5. Submerge all drumsticks in the water, add more water to cover them all. 
  6. Cover and store in the fridge for 12 hours.
  7. Mix dry rice with a little cooking oil and spread it evenly in the pan. 
  8. Roll down the skins on each drumstick, and lay then flat on a baking rack. 
  9. Use convection roast mood, 425F for 90 minutes, turn halfway.
  10. Cover with foil during the last 20 mins depending on the color.

As the rice is burning, it generates a nice smoke and makes the drumsticks even more smoky.
(I did not get that smoke :( I put too much oil in it. Well next time! )

It is worth the effort. 
Look at this beautiful thing!  

Best served with beer! ;)


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