Inspired by the adventure report , we arrived at the entrance to Small Slide Lake Loop on Perth Road, GPS coordinates 44.504723, -76.473802 . Parked on the side of the road, we hiked around 40 mins before reaching the boundary of Frontenac Provincial Park. Finally reached the trail head ... Average time: 4 hours!! Dad and kids start to urge me not to take any more pictures :( Yes, that is right. How can you resist? LOL Someone's camping out there. Outhouse! What a relief! Such a beautiful place! Every angle is perfect in portrait or landscape. Beaver Dam We are only half way through?! "Mom, no more pictures please!" "OK, OK ..." Why do I feel it looks even better on this side ... Let me take a picture! Downhill again? My knees are shaking ... Someone gives me a hand? You can do it. Trust yourself. When we are at the peak, the sun comes out for a brief time! How lucky we are! The nice curves of the lake shore Geldof @ Frontenac...