Hiking in Frontenac Provincial Park - Small Slide Lake Loop

Inspired by the adventure report, we arrived at the entrance to Small Slide Lake Loop on Perth Road, GPS coordinates 44.504723, -76.473802. Parked on the side of the road, we hiked around 40 mins before reaching the boundary of Frontenac Provincial Park.

Finally reached the trail head ...

Average time: 4 hours!! Dad and kids start to urge me not to take any more pictures :( 

Yes, that is right. How can you resist? LOL

Someone's camping out there.

Outhouse! What a relief! 

Such a beautiful place! Every angle is perfect in portrait or landscape.

Beaver Dam

We are only half way through?! 
"Mom, no more pictures please!"
"OK, OK ..."

Why do I feel it looks even better on this side ... Let me take a picture!

Downhill again? My knees are shaking ... Someone gives me a hand?
You can do it. Trust yourself.

When we are at the peak, the sun comes out for a brief time! How lucky we are!

The nice curves of the lake shore

Geldof @ Frontenac Park?

Incoming! Sunset ...

For the last 40 mins, I packed my phone and followed the sound of my men. Cannot see anything clearly in the woods, just remember to lift my foot with every step to avoid kicking into a root or stone.

We were the last car there. 
Dad was scared whenever he thought about it again. If we stayed there for 10 more minutes, it could be completely dark and we might get lost in the woods ... BUT, we didn't! 


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