Deck Extension
When the original design doesn't meet the requirement, a change request will sure to follow.
This is why we're making this deck extension, to widen it by 3.5 feet so we can sit comfortably.
In a small yard like ours, even 3.5 feet makes a big difference. ;)
The cost of building materials has increased 25 - 50% comparing to 2 years ago. We had some leftover composite decking boards and deck screws, and we used up all of them this time. What a relief!
This side of the backyard receives little sunshine, and the grass is doing poorly.
I have no regrets peeling them off, along with weeds and moss.
Everything on the long side is removed.
Leveling the deck blocks is always a tricky task. We finally got it leveled after a million tries.
Building the frame is relatively easy. We accurately calculated each piece to mm, but the accuracy of the cut pieces is measured in cm. Well, that is because this is custom made. ;)
Adding a divider board for the visual effect, as well as hiding any misalignment of the composite deck boards on both sides.
Hardware to strength the beams, corners, and joists.
Another build-in planter for flowers next year ...
Used the leftover boards to make a cover for Winter
The most useful feature is this step to my rain barrel.
How lucky is my BBQ! It has its own curb.
No need to worry about that it will be pushed off the deck by accident.
There we have done it again!
Before & After

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