
Showing posts from 2023

Homemade soya milk

First time making soya milk! 😇 100g dry soya bean, wash clean and soak overnight. Sort the beans by picking out the rotten and the ones that are not soaked at all. 🤔 I got 210g good soaked beans this time. Add 100g soaked beans + 4 cup of cold water to Vitamix, blend at level 10 for 2 minutes.  Pour into an oil free tall pot, bring it to boil on medium heat, stir occasionally to prevent it from burning. After boiling, continue cooking for another 15 mins. Beans need to be fully cooked, or you will be poisoned by this innocent milk. 🫣 DO NOT watch your phone during the boiling process.!  STARE at the pot at all time! There we go... A delicious drink from mother earth 🌎  The Vitamix is very powerful, and you can hear it stating that loud and clear. 😜 I don't even notice the pulp when I drink it. Skipping the straining step completely. I would prefer the soya milk to be a little thicker.  I wil...

Backyard Shed

Bought from Costco, Made in USA. This small shed is well built, but painful to assemble. Parts are unlabeled and roughly organized. One needs to do some guess work. Brackets installation on the side support beam was wrong, we had to redo it twice. The correct way should be long side against the support beam on the top - so it can attach to the roof support beam later, and short side against the support beam on the bottom so that there is a space you can slide the support beam into the floor piece.  Once it's done, it looks good. Hope it will last many years.

Roasted Chestnuts

1000g chestnuts, washed With a sharp knife, cut a cross on the round side. 425F, roast for 15-20 minutes  Wrap the chestnuts in a tea towel and lightly squeeze them. It is very easy to peel now. 463g

Hooking up a Bidet

不顾户主的反对,在Costco买了传说中的日本马桶盖。户主坚决不支持,放盒子里搁置了4年 -- 有性格,牛!据说现在的新房,马桶旁边都有插座了。像我家这样20年前建的房子,都没有这个feature。YouTube上有分享怎样从墙背面的插座接线的, 怎样从转角墙面的插座接线的, 无奈我家的情况都不适用,最后还是直接拉一根extension cord。在Amazon.ca上找到了 6尺长15A的电源线 。 不错,工作!但是看着有点闹心。。。 在HomeDepot找到CordMate帮我解决了这个问题。塑料管子,背面有不干胶,直接切好贴墙上,安装非常方便。 5' cord channel - $9.27 inside elbow - $3.27 flat elbow - $3.50 Total: $18.13 看着舒坦多了,清爽! 用户体验:并没有传说中的那么神奇,那么舒服。。。;)