
Showing posts from August, 2015

White Chocolate Chip Cookies

The little dome shaped white chocolate chip cookies are quite hard to resist!  This recipe yields about 40 cookies. Preheat oven to 375 degree Fahrenheit. 3/4 cup butter, softened 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup granulated sugar 2 eggs 2 tsp vanilla In a large bowl, beat butter and sugars; Add eggs one at a time, beat until light and fluffy; Add vanilla and mix well. 2 1/4 cup flour 1 tsp baking soda 200g white chocolate chips In a small bowl, mix baking soda with flour; Stir the flour mix into the large bowl until well blended; Stir in white chocolate chips; Line a large baking sheet, or 2 regular ones, with parchment paper; Using a 4cm diameter (small) ice cream scoop to drop the cookie dough, level it with a knife, so you will get perfectly uniformed little doomed round cookies; Bake 10-12 mins. Let it cool for 3 mins, then transfer to wire rack to cool completely. I usually get the white chocolate chips from Bulk Barn, theirs see...

Upgrade to Windows 10

Upgrade is never a trivial thing. The goal is to provide a seamless experience for all users. The new release has some awesome functionalities to offer, often revolutionary. Most users are expecting things are backwards compatible, everything they are using now should work without a problem after upgrade. Don't assume people are all coming from the previous release. Some could come from the dinosaur age! ;) And you still need to support them. Understanding the challenges, I do expect a few bumps after the upgrade. Here are the issues I have encountered while upgrading my PC from Windows 7 to Windows 10. I appreciate the guys shared their solutions and made my life a lot easier. Hope this will be helpful for someone too. Windows Remote Desktop is not working This is the tool enabled me working from home. It cannot fail, must work! After upgrade, I can connect using remote desktop, but it crashes several seconds right after. I disabled the Audio setting as described in...


郫县豆瓣是个宝!;) 排骨过水,沥干; 郫县豆瓣切碎,姜切粒;烧开水; 起油锅,排骨炒至金黄; 加豆瓣、姜粒、料酒炒匀; 加开水没过排骨,烧开,加大料和花椒;加盖转小火烧20分钟左右,收汁起锅。

Tissue Holder

If you are like me, regularly carries tissue in your handbag and don't want to buy the expensive pocket tissue packs, you would love to know how to quickly sew your very own tissue holder in less than 10 minutes! You can use the regular facial tissue that comes in a box. You can wash your tissue holder too. Cut 2 pieces of scrapes, top measure 5 1/2 x 7 inch, and lining measures 5 1/2 x 8 inches; Right side together and aligh the short ends, sew at 1/4 inch from the edge; Turn right side out and press, centered; Fold to center, pin and sew at 1/4 inch from the edge at the top and bottom, reinforce your stitches when in the middle; Trim cornors and turn right side out; This tissue holder can hold about 8 tri-fold regular tissue. I like it so much, and in no time, I sewed my second one! ;)