Upgrade to Windows 10

Upgrade is never a trivial thing.

The goal is to provide a seamless experience for all users. The new release has some awesome functionalities to offer, often revolutionary. Most users are expecting things are backwards compatible, everything they are using now should work without a problem after upgrade. Don't assume people are all coming from the previous release. Some could come from the dinosaur age! ;) And you still need to support them.

Understanding the challenges, I do expect a few bumps after the upgrade. Here are the issues I have encountered while upgrading my PC from Windows 7 to Windows 10. I appreciate the guys shared their solutions and made my life a lot easier. Hope this will be helpful for someone too.

  • Windows Remote Desktop is not working

This is the tool enabled me working from home. It cannot fail, must work! After upgrade, I can connect using remote desktop, but it crashes several seconds right after. I disabled the Audio setting as described in the following post, and that is it! Back online.

How I fixed the “Remote Desktop connection has stopped working” error in Windows 8.1

  • I hear the fan all the time, Runtime Broker hogs the CPU

Apparently a lot of people have experienced this symptom, and have provided different solutions that worked for them. Here is a summary link. Read through all the solutions, especially the last one. It released my frustration right away. ;) Then I followed it and did all the things including deleting Groove music to fix my problem.

Runtime Broker high CPU usage - Microsoft Community

  • Fan is running up again, Antimalware Executable hogs the CPU

This has been an issue in Windows 8, and the answer was given here. I found it here on Windows 10. I set all 3 options to off.

Settings -> Update & Security -> Windows Depender

Happy upgrading to Windows 10!


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