How to remove caterpillars from tree trunk

One day I noticed there is a small patch on the maple tree. Couple of days later, it grew bigger. I took a closer look ... ... a patch of wiggling caterpillars! Goosebumps were all over my skin, and I fled away.

Then I started wondering, what is the purpose of a caterpillar? After watching this guy's video, Life Cycle of the Tent Caterpillar , I concluded that caterpillars don't have a purpose. They are bad for plants, and they should be eliminated from my tree!

Called the city for help, was told it will take 15 days for someone to come to determine whether this is on city's property. If it is on private land, they will leave it to me.

Oh, well. I will remove them myself as long as I don't need to touch them!

Here is the solution: Spray cooking oil on them

Caterpillars breath through their skin, so oil kills them almost instantly. Half of them felt down, the other half I used a paint stick to scrape them off the trunk. All went to the compost bin!

P.S. I took all the pictures from a thoughtful distance, so people like myself won't get goosebumps.

I used this canola oil cooking spray, it is expired already and this is a good use.
I think any type of cooking oil will do. 


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