My Nexus 5X Story

June 9, 2017 Friday

My beloved Nexus 5X cannot start up, always stuck on the white Google logo. 

Blame the kid first. "What have you installed this time?"
Google it secondly. "OMG, poor phone has been bricked! Sorry, Kiddo!" 
It has been an issue since 2016. Looks like it is a hardware issue from LG, the manufacturer of 5X. Some also blamed the latest update from Google, which triggered the hardware failure. 

Some revived their 5X by doing a factory reset. OK, we should give it a try!

Hold Power button + Vol Down:
Notice the last line on the screen: DEVICE STATE - locked. That's the death sentence.

Select Recovery, then hold Power button + Vol Up should bring up the recovery menu. I couldn't get to that menu! According to one user, put it in the fridge will help, and it surely did. First try out of the fridge brings me the recovery menu. Kid and I cannot help cheering when we finally see the menu.
Cleared cache, reboot, never comes back ... 

 Cannot get to the recovery menu again ... dash to the fridge ... OK, now recovery menu, factory reset

Kid was sad losing all his game credit, status, buddy's funnest video... etc. ;)

Reboot. Fingers crossed!

Nope. It started boot loop as before.

June 12, 2017 Monday

Kid and I were deeply disappointed. Google again. Aha, finally there is an Unofficial Boot-loop Help Post (N5X, possibly others) Unofficially, all concluded it is a hardware failure. The solution is to get the phone fixed/replaced either by Google or LG, or third party depends on your warranty situation.

I followed the link to contact Google, their contact page is not working. Are you kidding me?! Google again. Someone has posted a Support Form in the community, thanks! I got a callback within a minute submitting the form. After verifying my info, this nice support lady immediately processed a replacement phone for me (a Google refurbished Nexus 5X), at no cost, and return shipping labels for my broken 5X. I hope the working "new" phone will be as good as mine cosmetically.

Thorough testing is the key! Especially for Google's very own Nexus family of phones. I still have faith in Google. After all, all my questions have been answered after "Google it".

June 21, 2017 Wednesday

One day before the promised delivery date, order status showed that it hadn't been shipped. Contacted Google support online, was told there was a large backlog and it would be delayed to next week. 

June 28, 2017 Wednesday

Order shipped!

June 30, 2017 Friday

Received an identical phone made in Jan. 2017, like NEW. Started up and has been running beautifully. Heading to UPS to send the bricked phone back.

Thanks, Google! 



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