Bi-fold paper picture frame

One mom's way to hold memories ...

Every year, kids brought home the school pictures, some are really bad, some are awesome! No matter what, the pictures record their growth in that year, which means a lot to mom. ;) I like to make this bi-fold paper picture frame to save their yearly school pictures. They make wonderful gifts for the grandparents, and good for me to see their changes year after year. 


Plain bi-fold greeting card from your craft store, 5 x 6.5 in
Scrapbook cardstock paper, plain or printed
X-acto knife
Cutting mat
Double sided tape
3 x 5 pictures, 2

  1. Make mats: 
    1. Cut 2 rectangles from the scrapbook paper, 4.5 x 6 in;
    2. Measure 5/8 inches from all sides, draw and cut the inner rectangles; repeat for another;
  2. Measure and cut 1 strip of tape for the short side of the mat, and 2 strips of tape for the long side; cut each strip into 2 long strips. We want to leave some room around the inner mat so that the pictures can be inserted;
  3. Attach the tape strips to left, right, and bottom of the mats, align to the outer edge;
  4. Center and position the mats to the bi-fold card, one mat for each half card;
  5. Insert the picture from the top;
  6. Add any decoration as you like, for example adding a year.
You can alter the measurements to your picture size, but the idea is the same.


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