
Showing posts from 2017

2017 圣诞假期

Christmas break @ Orlando, Florida, USA Dec. 22 - Dec. 28, 2017 2015年的圣诞假期,全家第一次坐游轮归来,在弗罗里达小岛的度假屋里住了一周,自由自在的,去了海滩,也去了国家公园,非常喜欢,觉得比坐游轮还好。今年夏天还在尾巴上,妈妈就决定了,圣诞又带领大家去享受弗罗里达温暖的阳光。 时间:12月22日~28日 地点:奥兰多,弗罗里达州 人物:爸爸 妈妈 哥哥 弟弟 姐姐 爷爷 奶奶 姥姥 我们去过的地方。。。 Day 1: Lake Louisa State Park 第一天:露伊莎湖州立公园 Day 2: Clearwater Beach 第二天:清水海滩 Day 3: Vacation Home & Neighborhood 第三天:度假屋和小区 Day 4: Universal Studio 第四天:环球影视主题公园 Day 5: Parks in the City 第五天:城市公园 短暂的圣诞假期全家人在奥兰多愉快的度过了。 天公作美,日日有艳阳相伴。 期待着下一个冬季的约会。。。

Recover Deleted Notes on Mac

How to recover deleted notes on Mac from Time Machine Whenever you deleted or lost your important notes on Mac, you can try to restore them back from Time Machine first. Requiring no additional apps, it is a quick and easy solution to recovering deleted or lost note, which was nowhere to be found. To perform Mac note recovery, follow the steps:  1. Open Finder and hit the following keys on your keyboard – Cmd, Shift, G. (or just go to the Go > Go To Folder Menu in the top status bar). 2. Copy and paste  ~/Library/Containers/  and hit enter. You will be presented with the following folder which usually contains about 3 files. (Our lost data was stored in the "NotesV1.storedata-wal" file. 3. Make a backup of these files to a folder on your desktop, renaming each file to ".html". When asked if you would like to add the extension, click "Use .html". Once this is done, the files should look something like this...

酸菜鱼 - Tilapia with pickled cabbage

1 lb Tilapia fillets  1 bag pickled cabbage cooking wine salt sugar starch Chinese pepper dry hot pepper ginger root garlic Slice tilapia fillets into thin slices, and marinate them with cooking wine, a pinch of salt, a pinch of sugar, and some starch; mix well; Take pickled cabbage out of the bag, discard the juice; cut them into thin slices; In a frying pan, stir fry pickled cabbage slices until almost dry; add cooking oil, Chinese pepper, hot pepper, slices of ginger root and garlic, stir fry quickly for a minute; transfer contents into a medium pot; Add bone soup or boiled water to pot, heat to boil and simmer for 5 minutes; Add fish to pot, one at a time; wait for it to boil again, cook for 1 minute; sprinkle with green onion; serve immediately.

Food Bank Community Harvest Volunteering

It started as finding an event for my son to complete his community volunteer hours, but ended as a fulfilling family trip that we would like to repeat.  This is our first time volunteering at the Blacks family farm in Stittsville for the Food Bank. Here is the program intro. Hats off to Tom Black! Stittsville Community Harvest Program - The Blacks Family Farm  This is a great volunteer opportunity for everyone! I see people from 5th grader to retiree today. For those city mouse like us, go harvesting and handling the produce we only encounter in the supermarket has made us appreciate the food more, a lot more. In August and September, the farm needs many volunteers to help harvest. The Community Harvest Program Coordinator, Jason Gray, is wonderful to work with. He gave clear instructions and demonstration, and worked along with us. Volunteer Signup The 1 km walk from the road to the farm Half of the farm How can a farm without a tractor ....


肉松是早餐白粥的最佳伴侣! 自制肉松无添加剂,非常的健康。 因为有高压锅和面包机的帮助,过程轻松愉快。 制作时间虽然不短,但是不需要人守候,也算省力。 用料: 猪瘦肉    800g 料酒    1 Tbsp 盐        1 tsp 八角    2 桂皮    1 小段 姜        2 片 葱        2 根 水        500ml 菜油    2 Tbsp 老抽    2 tsp 盐        1 tsp 白糖    2 tsp 做法: 肉切小块,焯水洗净; 放入高压锅里,加入料酒、盐、八角、桂皮、姜片、葱节,加水刚刚漫过肉就好;开稀饭档(中度火力,20分钟); 将煮好的肉捞出撕成丝,去掉多余的肥肉;煮过的瘦肉一捏就烂,这步非常容易做; 将肉倒入面包机内,加入菜油、老抽、盐、白糖,开动果酱档(1:20); 做好的肉松放凉后密封冷藏,一周内吃光(通常会提前被消灭掉)。

Chipped Lenox Plate Fix

Ordered a beautiful set of Lenox plates from Air Miles rewards, unfortunately two of the plates were chipped upon arrival. What a pity! How can I save you? Spot a pair of butterflies in the craft section at Dollarama, perfect! Just what I need. Cut 2 short length of the included wire, insert one end to the belly of the butterfly, and the other end will be inserted into the plate (the adhesive actually)   This type of adhesive is very easy to work with, you can make it into any shape you need. Cover the chipped spot and insert the butterfly!  Dada! I got my plates back. They won't join the rest on the dinner table, but they will serve another meaningful purpose, either on display, or as a container. I am happy these quality and beautiful plates are saved and will stay with me for years to come.

My Nexus 5X Story

June 9, 2017 Friday My beloved Nexus 5X cannot start up, always stuck on the white Google logo.  Blame the kid first. "What have you installed this time?" Google it secondly. "OMG, poor phone has been bricked! Sorry, Kiddo!"  It has been an issue since 2016. Looks like it is a hardware issue from LG, the manufacturer of 5X. Some also blamed the latest update from Google, which triggered the hardware failure.  Some revived their 5X by doing a factory reset. OK, we should give it a try! Hold Power button + Vol Down: Notice the last line on the screen: DEVICE STATE - locked. That's the death sentence. Select Recovery, then hold Power button + Vol Up should bring up the recovery menu. I couldn't get to that menu! According to one user, put it in the fridge will help, and it surely did. First try out of the fridge brings me the recovery menu. Kid and I cannot help cheering when we finally see the menu. Cleared cache, reboot, nev...