
Showing posts from 2016

Steamed Butternut Squash Bun with Red Bean Paste

INGREDIENTS: 660g steamed butternut squash 400g sticky rice flour 120g rice flour 120g white sugar 25     small squares of parchment paper Makes 25 buns, 85g each DIRECTIONS: Steam butternut squash for about 10 minutes. A bag (750g) of frozen butternut squash, comes out weighting 660g. You can use fresh squash as well, slice it before steaming; Add steamed squash to a big bowl, puree it; Mix sticky rice flour, rice flour, and sugar in another bowl; Gradually add the flour mixture to squash, mix with a spatula; then mix by hand to a consistency not sticky or too dry. The water content in the squash should be enough for the flour, so that you don't need extra water. If the mixture is still too sticky, add a bit more rice flour until it is easy to handle; Divide the flour dough into 25 pieces, roll into balls, cover with a tea towel; Roll red bean paste into balls, slightly smaller than the flour ball, 25 pieces; Flatten a flour ball and ma...

A Pot of Curry

Nothing beats a hot pot of curry after a winter storm. All those hearty veggies and delicious beef cubes will warm up your stomach and your heart. Press "pause" on the diet plan, and enjoy a bowl of white rice with a big scoop of curry! INGREDIENTS: 1 1/4 lb Onions 1/2 lb    Carrots 1 lb       Potatoes 1 lb       Meat 6 cups   Water DIRECTIONS: Slice onions, cut carrots, potatoes, and meat to bite size chunks;  Brown meat with cooking oil in a skillet to lock in the juice; I used beef, chicken is another good choice; Transfer meat to Instant Pot, add boiling water to cover the meat; Stir fry onions in a skillet until lightly browned, mix in carrots and potatoes, transfer all into the Instant Pot; Select 'Meat Stew', it is about 35 minutes; When it is done, take out the inner pot, and stir in a pack of the curry mix. Let it melt completely, then simmer for 5 minutes, stir constantly; Enjoy your curry with a ...

Butternut Squash Soup

This is my first time eating a butternut squash, which found its way into a healthy, delicious, and easy soup. I don't even need to add salt or pepper, and it tastes just like the harvest should be. INGREDIENTS: 1 butternut squash 1 stalk of celery 1 carrots 1 red onion 2 potatoes 1 carton of chicken broth 2 Tbsp butter DIRECTIONS: Peel all vegetables, wash and cut them into cubes/slices; On high heat, add butter to a dutch pot, mix all vegetables in the pot to lightly brown; Add the full carton of chicken broth to cover the vegetables; bring to a boil and reduce to medium heat, cook for 30 minutes; Using an immersion blender, puree the cooked vegetables right inside the pot; Serve hot in your favorite soup bowl.

Red Bean Paste ~ 红豆沙

Buns with red bean paste filling are so common in Chinese pastry. They can be streamed, baked, or fried, all turn out to be so tasty. One can found the red bean paste in any Asian grocery store. I like sweat stuff, but I found the store bought is usually too sweat for me. Here I tried to make my own and it turned out great! The process is pretty simple and one can easily adjust it to his/her own taste. Ingredients: 455g raw red beans (half bag) 1/4 cup cooking oil 1/2 cup brown sugar Directions: Wash red beans clean, add to Instant Pot (pressure cooker), add water to cover and about 1/2 inch more (it is fine to add more water, but not less, or your beans will be too hard);  Start the Instant Pot with Bean/Chili setting, about 45 minutes; Let the beans cool down, add to a blender, blend until smooth, add more water if it is too thick; Set a non-stick pan on low heat, with a spatula, cook the blended red bean paste, let water evaporate; about 3 - 5 minutes; A...

How to add a horizontal menu bar to your blogger

One way to organize your blog posts is to tag each post with a label, as described here , and use the Label gadget in your layout, so the posts are categorized in a list in the side bar. That is not bad, but the side bar is only visible when you have the space, usually it shows up in the desktop version, but not on the mobile/phone version. A better way is to add a horizontal menu bar, using the Page gadget in the layout. All my posts are still labeled as before. 1. Go to Layout, in Cross-Column secion, click "+ Add a Gadget"; 2. Select the Pages gadget; 3. Be default, you get the Home menu item, which shows all your post in the order as they are posted. Click "+ Add external link" to add more menu items; 4. Add the text for the menu item, and the link to the category of post grouped by a label; 5. I have just created a new menu item called "Food". Repeat step 4 to create all the menu items you need. Don't create too many,...

How to transfer your WeChat chat history to a new phone

The most popular messaging app in Chinese is WeChat. You most likely have several groups, parents group, high school class group, university class group, dance group, etc. you name it. When you are upgrading to a new smart phone, you will probably want to keep some of these group chat history with you. Here is how to do it. This process also applies to personal chat history. Start with your old phone: Settings --> Chat --> Chat Log Migration  Here, you can migrate all by check the "Select All" in the lower left corner, or select only the chat groups you want to migrate. Now login into WeChat on the new phone, and scan the QR code. Chat logs will start migrating.  On your new phone: Hats off to the WeChat team for streamlining this process. 

Dr. Gardiner

据说糖尿病一旦得上,就是跟随终身的病。连带着跟随终身的是糖尿病专家医生。 爷爷的糖尿病和高血压有快20年的病史了。常规体检时发现的,然后就被转去看专家。 Dr. Gardiner是位白人医生,身材魁梧、仪表堂堂,娃娃脸白里透红,总是带着微笑,头发整齐服帖的边分着。因为语言不通,爷爷每次看医生都要人陪同。爸爸当然是不二人选,实在工作走不开,妈妈就去替班。走过几次后,就被专家记住了,搞得很清楚这是儿子和媳妇,不是女儿和女婿,偶尔还会拉拉家常。他说话轻声细语,目光中传递着温暖。说几句就停下来,等着我们翻译给爷爷听,然后又接着说下去。每次说完都问爷爷还有没有问题,还询问他什么时候要回国探亲,药够不够。真是难得的好态度的医生,我们在家都亲切地称他“胖爷爷医生”。在他的严格监控下,我家爷爷的糖尿病快20年了没有恶化,用药剂量还有所减少。“胖爷爷”说,我家爷爷是他从医以来见过最优秀的病人,坚持锻炼、控制饮食、瘦瘦的,饿晕了糖尿病。 突然接到诊所电话,说“胖爷爷”生病了,还很严重,短期内都不能工作,跟爷爷的预约要换人了。医生怎么也会生病,还很严重?!不知道怎么好,只能写张问候的卡片带去诊所转交,祝愿胖爷爷早日康复!祈祷老天保佑这样的好医生,度过这个难关。 那些带着微笑、带着温暖走进我们生命里,陪伴了20年的人们,值得好生珍惜。

Matcha(Green Tea) Cake

A simple and light matcha cake goes with every cup of coffee/tea! Prepare the cake exactly the same way as the  10-inch-sponge-cake , plus 2 tsp matcha sifted in, using a 9x13 pan, reduce time to 40 minutes; Reduce the filling to 1 cup of 35% cream and 1/8 cup of sugar, add 1 tsp matcha.


让人吃了又吃、欲罢不能的麻辣牛肉干! 原料: 2.5 kg 牛肉 调料1 1tsp 花椒 2 八角 1 草果 1 Tbsp 料酒 1 Tbsp 盐 1/2 cup 菜油 调料2 1/4 cup 熟芝麻 1/3 cup 辣椒碎 1/4 cup 花椒粉 1/2 cup 白糖 1 Tbsp 胡椒粉 2 tsp 盐 调料3 2 Tbsp 醋 2 Tbsp 生抽 做法: 牛肉切成指头粗细的条, 锅里加凉水盖过,煮开焯水,洗净; 牛肉放回锅里加开水盖过,加入 调料1 ,小火煮30分钟,捞出沥干; 大炒锅倒入菜油中火烧热,加入 调料2 拌匀,加入牛肉条,小火翻炒拌匀; 加入调料3,中火拌匀; 烤箱预热300华氏,把牛肉干倒入烤盘铺平,烘干30分钟; 放凉后密封冷藏。

Bacon wrapped shrimps

This makes a great appetizer! Ingredients: a bag of shrimps (400g, size 31-40), thawed  a bag of bacon 1 tsp cooking wine 1/4 tsp salt 1 tsp ginger, chopped into bits Directions: Preheat oven to 400 F; Line a broiling pan with foil; lightly oil the surface of the top pan; Peel the shrimps, add cooking wine, ginger bits, and salt, mix and let it sit for 5 minutes; Cut the bacon strips into smaller pieces. For this size of shrimp, I cut one bacon strip into 3 and they wrap nicely; Wrap each shrimp with a cut strip of the bacon, start with the wider edge of the bacon. Best to wrap the shrimps all in one direction so they will line up neatly when you plate them; Place the wrapped shrimps on the broiling pan; mid-rackbake for 20 minutes;  Plate them quickly and serve hot to enjoy the crispiness of the bacon and the tenderness of the shrimp. Tip:  I use a broiling pan instead of a baking sheet, so that the oil and juice from the bacon has som...


鸡腿洗净,用小刀划几下好入味; 准备调料:姜蒜切片,八角(1)、桂皮(1)、冰糖少许、干辣椒(1),葱白切段,青段切葱花;烧开水备用; 炒锅中火,加少许油,鸡腿倒入炒干水汽,加料酒翻炒,盛起; 另起炒锅,加少许油,放入八角、桂皮、冰糖、干辣椒、葱白,炒香; 下鸡腿,加入适量生抽、老抽、盐调味,翻炒至均匀上色; 加开水适量,盖住鸡腿,中火烧约1小时,中间翻3次; 大火收汁,盛盘,撒葱花。 咸甜鲜、微辣!孩子一口气吃了4个。:)


Inspired by the Sushi series of the pioneer woman , we had an adventure tonight, making some hand rolls and the infamous California rolls.  Every time we go to the Sushi buffet, my son orders the cucumber hand rolls, a batch of them. Every time the hand rolls are served last. So tonight, mom served the hand rolls first! That made them taste so much better. ;)  Mom-and-son team is a winning team! I rolled the California rolls, he dressed them with roasted sesames, cut and plated them beautifully. We don't have avocado or fish eggs, so my son called it "Imitation California roll"! And it still taste yummy! Here are the wonderful blogs from the pioneer woman: How to make the perfect sushi rice How to make sushi rolls INGREDIENTS: 10 sheets of Sushi Nori (roasted seaseed sheet) 1/2 cup rice vinegar 1/4 cup sugar 1/8 cup sake or mirin (or Japanese rice seasoning) 4 cups Sushi rice 1 large English cucumber, sliced thin Makes 20 cu...

Coconut Milk Parfait - 椰奶冻糕

These little cold cubes instantly melt in your mouth, full of the wonder of coconut.  Ingredients: 1 can coconut milk (about 400 ml) 300 ml milk 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup corn starch 1 1/2 cup coconut Directions: Sprinkle a 9x9 glass pan with coconut, set it aside; In a medium pot, add coconut milk, sugar, and 100 ml milk, bring to a boil, stir occasionally; Add the corn starch to the remaining 200 ml milk, stir to mix well; Reduce to low heat, add corn starch mixture to pot, and stir constantly until it solidifies; Transfer the mixture to the glass pan, smooth top, sprinkle with coconut; Cover the pan and refrigerate for 4 hours; Cut into bite size cubes, and roll into the bowl of coconut to get each cube well dressed; Cover and refrigerate over night. I found it tastes even better after refrigerated over night. Some receipts call for gelatin as the agent, will experiment with that next time.

Banana Blueberry Muffins

Our favorite 2-bite mini muffins! Ingredients: 1/3 cup butter at room temperature 1/3 cup white sugar 2 eggs 3 small banana 1 tsp vanila extract 2 cup flour 1 tsp salt 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 cup milk 1 cup blueberry Directions: Preheat oven to 400 Fahrenheit; In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar; mix in eggs and smashed banana; stir in vanilla extract; In a small bowl, stir flour, salt, baking powder, and baking soda to mix well; Add the dry mixtures to the large bowl, alternate with milk; stir to mix just moist; Add a cup of blueberry; Scoop into paper lined muffin pans, makes 12 regular (18 mins) or 36 mini muffins (15 mins). For some reason, the mini version always gone faster than the regular version. Size does matter. ;) 

Fruit Ice Pops

This is a good fomular for all sorts of fruit ice pops. It uses a lot of REAL fresh fruit and no food coloring. Kids find them delicious. Mom finds them nutrious and economical. Ingredients 3 cup cold water 1 can of frozen concentrated lemonade 1 cup sliced strawberries 1/8 cup sugar (optional) Directions Defrost the frozen juice, add to the cold water; Add sugar to the juice, optional; (Kids think this step is mandatory) In a blender, puree strawberry slices, add a little bit juice mix to facilitate the fixing; Pour the puree into the juice, stir to mix; Pour the mixture to Popsicle molds, freeze overnight. I am going to try blueberries, raspberries, and watermelon for kids later. Grandma asks for green beans and red beans version. Too many orders! ;)


Bread Banana Bread Bread machine bread   Home-made dinner rolls Red Bean Paste Bun Cakes 10 inch Sponge Cake Black Forest Cake   Blueberry Cake   Cookies   White Chocolate Chip Cookies Muffins Banana Blueberry Muffins Banana Cranberry Muffins Banana Walnut Muffin   Raisin Bran Cereal Muffins Snacks Easy Nuts Clusters   Peanut nougat - 花生牛轧糖 Rice Crispy Squares   Fruit Ice Pops Coconut Milk Parfait - 椰奶冻糕 Steamed Butternut Squash Bun Roasted Cashews Soups Butternut Squash Soup Dishes Baked Salmon   Pizza 盐焗烤鸡翅   银耳汤   茄汁牛尾   川味烧排骨   煎带鱼   红烧肘子 胡萝卜炖羊肉 Sushi 红烧鸡腿 Curry Beef    

Easy Nuts Clusters

Eating all sorts of raw nuts has proven healthy benefits for us, but the taste buds begging for more than just the nutrients. Here is my first attempt for an all dressed version. Ingredients 500g walnuts 100g sunflower seeds 50g white sesame seeds 50g black sesame seeds 2 Tbsp cooking oil 1/3 cup maple syrup 1 Tbsp water Those are all I have on hand. I think it will be fine to substitute them with any other nuts you like. Directions Preheat oven to 300F; Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper; In a non-stick cooking pan, medium heat, add oil, maple syrup, and water, mix well and remove from heat; Add in all the nuts, mix well until all nuts are coated evenly; Spread the nuts mixture onto the baking sheet, make it a single layer; Bake for 20 minutes; Cool completely on a wire rack, break into bite size, and store in an air tight container. Enjoy these healthy, crispy, and tasty nuts clusters whenever you like! 

How to clean a stainless steel coffee mug?

My favorite stainless coffee mug is getting so flavorful that I think I should give it a deep clean. Add 2 Tbsp baking soda into mug; Pour 1/4 cup white vinegar into mug, enjoy watching the bubbles;  Put the lid on, gently turn the mug so that the inside is rinsed with the solution; With a dish sponge, clean the inside becomes so easy, and the coffee stains come off effortlessly; Raise mug with hot water. It took me 5 minutes to get it as shinny as new. A quick and green way to clean!


小时候过年,家家户户都要煎带鱼,是看春晚、守岁的必备零嘴。煎带鱼,是怀旧的经典。 带鱼洗净切段; 加料酒、花椒、葱白、盐、醋拌匀,腌制15分钟; 盛一盘面粉,50克左右,将带鱼两面裹上面粉; 起油锅,中火慢炸;中间翻一次,到两面金黄起锅; 盛盘,撒点花椒面。

Peanut nougat - 花生牛轧糖

I had this candy when I was a kid. They were so chewy and the peanuts were so tasty! They are not only wonderful candies, but also sweet childhood memories. Ingredients: 300g marshmallow 300g peanut 200g skim milk power 1/3 cup butter Directions: Heat a large non-stick skillet on low (2), add butter, wait until it is melted; Add marshmallow, wait until it is melted, stir to mix well; Add skim milk powder, stir to mix very well; Remove the skillet from heat, add peanuts, stir to mix very well; Roll the nougat flat between two sheets of parchment paper, about 1.5cm thick; Let it cool on a wire rack, then cut into candy pieces; Store in an air tight container, do not stack them without a parchment paper in between, or they will stick to each other.

Home-made dinner rolls

These home-made dinner rolls are plain and simply, freshly out of the oven and irresistible!  Makes 24 Total time: 2 hours Ingredients: 2 Tbsp sugar 1 Tbsp active yeast 2 1/4 cup warm water (30 degree) 1/8 cup butter, at room temperature 1 1/2 tsp salt 5 1/4 cup flour Directions: Mix sugar and yeast in the warm water in a large mixing bowl, let stand for 5 mins or until foamy; Add butter, salt, and 5 cups of flour into the bowl; with a stand mixer, mix together at low speed; Change to knead hook, add the remaining 1/2 cup flour, knead at speed 2 for 5 mins, until the dough pulls off the side of the bowls easily; or knead by hand; Cover bowl and let rise to double the volume, about 1 hour; Line a 11x17 baking dish with parchment paper, divide dough into 3, then each into 8 pieces for a total of 24; make each piece into a ball and place evenly in the baking dish;  Cover baking dish and let rise again, about 15 mins; brush with melted butt...

Bread machine bread

The charm of home made bread - hot, fresh, simply delicious!  Ingredients: 1 cup warm water (30 degree)* 1 Tbsp sugar 1 1/4 tsp active dry yeast 1/4 cup vegetable oil 3 cup flour 1 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 cup raisin (optional) or for a wholewheat flour version 2 Tbsp sugar 1 1/2 tsp yeast 1 cup warm water 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1 cup flour 2 cup wholewheat flour 1 1/2 tsp salt  Use the whole-wheat setting  Directions: Add warm water, sugar, and yeast in the bread machine pan, let stand for 10 minutes; Add the rest into pan in the listed order; Start bread machine with basic setting; Add raisin if preferred. * heat up cold tap water in microwave for 20 seconds 1 1/2 warm water 1 1/2 tsp active yeast 1 Tbsp sugar 1/3 cup oil 4 1/2 cup flour 700g 1 1/4 tsp salt Black & Decker bread machine 3lb light setting